The Best Spider Veins Specialist in Lexington, KY.

Spider Veins are damaged veins that can appear on the surface of the legs or face. Usually, they are not painful or harmful, but some people may wish to treat them for cosmetic reasons. Moreover, they can be blue, purple, or red and may appear in the form of thin lines, spider webs, or branches. People sometimes also refer to them as thread veins. A range of treatments can remove them or reduce their appearance. Extra body weight can place added pressure on leg veins.
In the legs, spider veins can occur when the valves inside the veins stop working properly. In fact, veins carry blood back to the heart. Therefore, to prevent blood from flowing backward, they contain a one-way valve that closes once the blood passes through it.
If this valve weakens or becomes damaged, the blood may struggle to flow in the correct direction, and it can begin to pool inside the vein, the increase in pressure can cause small blood vessel to burst and cause a web like formation.
Spider veins on the face are often the result of tiny blood vessels bursting. Increased pressure or sun damage can cause this to occur.
Factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing spider veins include:
- Genetics: Up to 90 percent of people with spider veins have a family history of them.
- Pregnancy: Increased blood moving through the body in addition to the extra weight of the fetus places more pressure on leg veins during pregnancy. Some women notice that spider veins disappear after pregnancy, but they can be permanent.
- Age: The valves in veins tend to get weaker over time. The calf muscles, which help support the veins in the legs and enable them to pump blood upward, may also lose some of their strength as a person ages.
- Hormones: Hormonal birth control and hormonal treatments for menopause may increase the risk of spider veins because estrogen can weaken the valves.
- Sitting or standing for a long period of time: Veins in the legs must work harder to pump blood up toward the heart when a person remains in the same position for several hours at a time.
- A previous blood clot or vein damage: This can damage the valves of the veins and make them unable to work properly.
- Excess pressure in the face: This can be due to forceful coughing, sneezing, or vomiting. Some women may get spider veins on their face after pushing during childbirth.
- Sun damage: Ultraviolet light from the sun can damage the skin and cause broken blood vessels or spider veins, especially on the face.
Varicose veins are a medical condition that can have no symptoms for many years. However, when they become symptomatic they can cause pain, discomfort, leg fatigue, cramping, and other symptoms and complication. These complications can affect health, work, quality of life and interfere with adult daily living. Most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, will pay for procedures related to the treatment of symptomatic varicose veins, venous insufficiency, venous stasis ulcer, or bleeding varicose vein. They will not pay for the treatment of varicose veins that are not causing any symptoms or complications. They will also not cover the treatment for cosmetic spider veins.
Here at Lexington Veins Institute, we will explain in detail all issues related to your proposed treatment plan. Then, we will differentiate for you what is covered by your health plan and what is considered “cosmetic” treatment and help you understand your options better.
Self-care is one of the most successful ways of spider veins treatment options. Here at Lexington Vein Institute, Dr. Fadi Bacha recommends wearing compression support stockings on regular basis to help support healthy blood flow in the legs. Wearing compression stockings or socks places pressure on the veins in the lower legs. This pressure can help improve blood flow and prevent further vein complications. In addition to stockings, losing weight, physical activity, avoiding repetitive trauma and eliminating smoking and alcohol can play a great roll in treating the problem.
Dr. Bacha treats these veins using sclerotherapy, a highly effective, noninvasive procedure during which he injects a sodium tetradecyl solution, otherwise known as a sclerosing agent, directly into the affected vein to irritate the blood vessel lining.
Damaging the lining ensures that the vein clots and stops moving blood. The body ultimately absorbs the damaged vein and replaces it with healthy tissue.

Better Health Care is Our Mission
Have you noticed protruding veins in your legs that often cause pain or a burning sensation? At Lexington Vein Institute in Lexington, Kentucky, Fadi Bacha, MD, specializes in finding expert solutions to getting rid of spider veins and eliminating pain.